Fuller Lawyers, P.A.
1135 Kane Concourse, 3rd Floor
Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154
(305) 445-7150

Accidents happen. However, if someone or something else caused your injury by their own negligence, you may have a right to receive compensation from that party to pay for your medical bills, loss of enjoyment of life, pain, suffering and lost wages. Fuller Lawyers, P.A. has extensive experience representing clients in personal injury matters, and it is our mission to obtain for you the greatest possible recovery for your loss. While we can't go back in time and undo your injury, we help you quickly receive the financial security justice demands.
There are a wide variety of claims that come under the heading personal injury, including: automobile accidents, slip and fall, medical malpractice, nursing home abuse and wrongful death. Further, the negligent act can be either due to direct action of the offending party (e.g. car accident) or by a party's failure to prevent an injury from occurring when they had a duty to do so (e.g. failing to provide sufficient parking lot security). Whatever the cause of your injury, Fuller Lawyers, P.A. is ready to fight for you.
Financial fraud can occur in a variety of forms. Companies of any size and industry routinely victimize individual citizens and other companies by submitting improper charges or providing unnecessary services or equipment. Many times these cases are hard to detect and require a trained expert to identify and resolve. Examples of financial fraud are: kickbacks, non-disclosure of a conflict of interest, services provided by unqualified personnel, improper assessment of late fees, hidden charges, and submitting false bills to Medicare and securities fraud. Fuller Lawyers, P.A. has extensive experience in identifying and fighting financial fraud.
The decision to move a parent, spouse or loved one to a nursing home or assisted living facility is often one of the most difficult decisions that a family has to make. However, when a person's physical and/or medical needs cannot be met by the family, such placement becomes necessary. When we are forced to place a loved one in a nursing home, we expect that they will be treated with dignity and respect and be given proper medical attention.
Unfortunately, even with active family participation and government regulations enacted to protect the rights of nursing home residents, nursing home abuse and neglect still occurs. Examples of abuse and neglect include: failing to protect a resident from falls, ulcers, infections, malnutrition, dehydration, over or under medication, physical or sexual abuse, unnecessary physical restraint and any other violation of the resident's personal rights.
Fuller Lawyers, P.A. has protected the rights of nursing home residents, and helped patients' families secure justice for their loved ones.
Federal law requires that non-managerial employees working in excess of 40 hours per week be paid time-and-a-half for all hours worked in excess of 40. It is common practice for some companies to either not pay overtime or to improperly classify a worker as management to avoid paying overtime. Other times, employers fail to provide any compensation for work performed or provide compensation for less than minimum wage or a salary less than previously agreed to by the worker and employer. In each of these cases, the employer may be in in violation of the law. We have represented thousands of unpaid and/or underpaid workers. Let Fuller Lawyers, P.A. fight for you.
If you are injured at work, you have rights, but can lose them if you don't take quick action. Florida workers' compensation law provides a method for injured employees to seek medical and financial assistance in the event of a work-related injury. Unfortunately, many employers do not follow proper procedure for reporting work-related injuries, or try to retaliate against an injured employee by either demoting or firing the injured worker to discourage other employees from filing claims if they get injured. That is when Fuller Lawyers, P.A. steps in to help workers
Florida law protects employees from retaliation of any sort related to their work-related injury. Fuller Lawyers, P.A. has helped countless people obtain a recovery from their respective employers, and held employers responsible for their misdeeds. Don't give up your rights, and don't let your employer take advantage of your injury. If you are hurt on the job, inform your employer, get medical help and call us immediately. We strive to protect you while you recover from your injuries.
A premises liability claim arises when a person who is legally on the property of another person or company is injured due to the failure of the owner of the property to maintain the property in a safe condition. Typical cases involve: failure to provide adequate security, unsafe maintenance, undiscovered dangerous conditions, poor lighting and slips and falls. Frequently, there may be a number of parties responsible to ensure the safety of the injured party, including a maintenance company, security company, etc.
Premises liability claims have strict statute of limitation periods, so it is important that an injured party consult with an attorney as soon after the injury as possible to discover his or her rights. Failure to timely assert the claim may result in the claim being barred.
If you have been injured on someone else's property, including if you have been the victim of a crime, Fuller Lawyers, P.A. wants to help you obtain the justice you deserve. We would be happy to speak with you to discuss your potential claim.
When a person dies as a result of the negligence of another, the resulting lawsuit is referred to as a wrongful death claim. The death can be the result of the actions of a single person, a group of people or a corporation. In Florida, surviving dependents and beneficiaries may be entitled to monetary damages to compensate for the loss of a family member. The damages may be for financial losses, loss of support and services, loss of affection, medical expenses and funeral expenses.
Damages are often dependent upon the relationship of the survivor to the victim. Additionally, different claims have different statute of limitations in which a claim may be brought. Therefore, it is important to speak with an attorney to ensure that your rights are fully protected.
Fuller Lawyers, P.A. will be happy to evaluate your potential claim and speak with you regarding your rights.
Statistical evidence indicates that every person in the United States will be involved in a car accident at some point in their life. The damages resulting from a serious car accident can be catastrophic. Even if you survive the accident, you can still incur significant physical injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, loss of consortium, permanent physical impairment and inability to lead a full life.
If you or your loved one have been involved in an automobile accident, it is important that you speak with an attorney to evaluate the extent of available insurance coverage, your rights against the other driver(s) and whether or not you (or your passengers) have a viable claim. Frequently, insurance companies will try to discourage you from speaking with an attorney or try to get you to accept a nominal settlement, thereby precluding you from being fully compensated for your injuries. Please speak with an attorney before speaking with an insurance company, and certainly before signing anything they provide you.
Fuller Lawyers, P.A. has an extremely successful track record representing clients in automobile accident claims, and we would be happy to speak with you regarding your claim.
Qui Tam, or "whistleblower", lawsuits arise when a person discovers that another person or company is committing fraud upon the government, and brings a claim against the wrongdoer on behalf of the government. A common example of such fraud is a medical provider overbilling Medicare for unnecessary or unprovided services.
The whistleblower, usually referred to as the "relator", may be entitled to a percentage of the government's recovery. The actual percentage is determined by the government and is usually dictated by whether or not the government joins the case. These cases are extremely complicated, and the rules involving the rights of the whistleblower to recover a percentage of the damages must be followed precisely.
Fuller Lawyers, P.A. has significant experience in Qui Tam cases, and provides legal representation for all types of whistleblower claims throughout the country. If you are aware of any form of fraud being committed against the government, do not discuss it with anyone (disclosure even to your friends may result in a loss of your ability to claim a portion of any recovery), and call Fuller Lawyers, P.A. immediately for a free, full evaluation.